Welcome to Hope OPC

We are a member congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Our purpose is to glorify God by maintaining a distinctly Reformed and Presbyterian Christian witness in the community. The following points offer a snapshot of our foundational beliefs and practice:
  • Biblical Inerrancy and Authority: We firmly believe in the inerrancy and infallibility of the Scriptures as the foundation of our faith and practice.
  • Historic Creeds and Confessions: We adhere to the historic creeds and confessions of the church, specifically the Westminster Confession of Faith and catechisms, guiding our understanding and expression of Christian doctrine.
  • Regulative Principle of Worship: Our services are governed by the regulative principle, ensuring that all aspects of worship are based on clear biblical commands and principles rather than social and cultural trends.
  • Traditional Psalm and Hymn Singing: We embrace the beauty and depth of psalm singing and traditional hymns in our worship services, which connect us with the rich history of Christian worship. We sing from the Trinity Psalter Hymnal.
  • Twice Sunday Worship: We are committed to morning and evening worship on the Lord’s Day, which offers opportunities for spiritual nourishment and community fellowship.
  • Family-Oriented Community: We are a welcoming and supportive church family where individuals and families of all ages can grow in their faith together.

Do you have questions?

If you have any questions or need support, our church community is ready to help. Please contact us; we’re eager to hear from you and provide assistance.

Sunday Morning and Evening Livestreams

We stream our Sunday services on YouTube. Browse our archive of previous services or visit our YouTube channel at the time of each services to watch live..

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